Replying to LO30359 --
Dear Terje,
In LO30359...
>The best approach to such concept maps in general, in my personal
>experience, is to
>brainstorm ideas without worrying much about links, then link them
>afterwards as appropriate.
Do you know ;-) about ESSOS ?
Do you 'know' of anything much that is NOT 'linked' to everything and
anything else?
as to 'flow'...what is your comprehensioning on *Bohm's to 'flow'?
I was under the 'impression' that it was a post<>optical delusion, a kind
of 'epistemological blind spot'.
Have you ever ;-) listened to the account of Confucius in this regard ;-)
? <> and have you ever heard what Francisco said to His Holiness the Dalai
Lama about how the mind orchestrates it's own topography ;-)...It is very,
very wonderful.
* On the Fragmentation ;-) Between the Content of Thought and its Function.
Bohm is a precious guide to the end because of what I experienced as a
child and I fully intend to sew that circle up in good TIME ;-)
I quote the master,
-- One tends to fall into this sort of confused response, Andrew, because
one fails to see the content of thought and its function as a single
unbroken flow. Rather, one tends first to concentrate exclusively on
content (the notion for example that other people are inferior who are
different from oneself), which is seen merely as 'a thought' and therefore
'unreal' or perhaps only 'a mental reality' and therefore not very
important. Then, when one experiences the inbuilt funtion of this thought
'by actually seeing' other people as 'inferior', and by 'actually feeling'
the urge or motive to treat them as such, he/she loses sight of the
content in which this function originated, and thinks, " This is not just
a mental image, but it is something real, something I see and feel as
actual fact, which is very important and very urgent in its applications."
So, it seems, that the inferiority of these people has been proved and is
not a, 'mere thought.' --
'Thinking aside', 'feeling aside'...that's one royal road you seek. It was
the road that man crossed, the day he saw a man assailed and left the desert...
Most artists understand this very well, without recourse to Ph.D level
thinking, learned journals and the like of David Bohm. But I think David
Bohm knew that ;-)
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