(F)low (C)harts LO30371

From: Terje A. Tonsberg (tatonsberg@hotmail.com)
Date: 07/14/03

Replying to LO30363 --

Hi Andrew,

Andrew said:

> Do you 'know' of anything much that is NOT 'linked' to everything and
> anything else?

My comment:

Nicely put. This is always a problem when you make maps. It is not such a
problem when you make maps for yourself, because you have studied the
links and do not have to show them all. It is more of a problem when you
want to show them to others. What links do you make explicit so as to not
leave out too much?

The other day I presented a map showing the (main) factors that affect
maintenance cost in a plant*. I trimmed it as much as I felt I could of
any kind of loops and made it look like a completely linear flow. The idea
was to make it readable and catch interest in developing this map further
with the workers. The Eng. and Maintenance manager looked at it and then
said "give a list of things I should do."

(*BTW if anyone on the list has missed reading Fred Nickol's articles on
"Solution Engineering," then they've missed a lot in my opinion.)

Andrew quoted someone saying:

"Rather, one tends first to concentrate exclusively on content (the notion
for example that other people are inferior who are different from
oneself), which is seen merely as 'a thought' and therefore 'unreal' or
perhaps only 'a mental reality' and therefore not very important. Then,
when one experiences the inbuilt funtion of this thought 'by actually
seeing' other people as 'inferior'"

My Comment:

I don't follow this notion of "inbuilt function" of thoughts. Do thoughts
have "inbuilt functions"? Not only that, but even when you see them as
"unreal"? I do think thoughts have a role in the flow of behavior, but the
role depends on many (past, present, inner, outer) factors and is not very
predicatable, or even verifiable, in my opinion.

Terje said:

Maps, just like the e-mails that we send back and forth on this list and
other information, are often just poor snapshots of the meaning behind
them. I think they can transfer knowledge only to the extent that they can
trigger others to think. This often means emphasizing a few ideas and even
fewer links. Put too many links and me thinks you might as well shut off
the light and say good night;-)



"Terje A. Tonsberg" <tatonsberg@hotmail.com>

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