Replying to LO30515 --
I was wondering if people have heard of which
claims to have united 300 Reconciliation Communities , some local,
some international
It appears to have been founded in Australia after 9/11 and they are
bringing their roadshow and 50 eminent speakers and
grassroots-experienced people for a Reconciliation and networking
weekend in London, 19 sep to 21 sep; 25 Red Lion Square London WC1R
4RL -details at their web; starting with a kickoff talk on Friday
evening by human rights campaigner and ex President of Ireland Mary
I will be going to try to understand what they're all about ; if there
are other London LO people who might think of joining in; lets get in
touch so we can look out for each other as a real group as well as all
this virtual connectivity
Chris macrae, wcbn007@easynet.cuk, uk mobile 0793 144 2446
>Some ten weeks ago or so, I was blessed in my home with the presence
>of Jean-Baptiste Habyalimana, President of the National Unity and
>Reconciliation Commission of the Republic of Rwanda. He is currently
>in the second year of his three year term as head of the Commission.
>When he came to my Rotary club to speak, he presented a fascinating
>picture of the obstacles and countermeasures that are a part of his
>own country's journey into a better future.
>Barry Mallis
--"chris macrae" <>
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