(re) Intro -- Clyde Howell LO30558

From: AM de Lange (amdelange@postino.up.ac.za)
Date: 09/11/03

Replying to LO30540 --

Dear Organlearners,

Clyde Howell <orgpsych@bellsouth.net> wrote:

>I have learned a lot from this group and from my life's experiences.
>I think that is a large part of why I miss reading and posting here.
>I am looking forward to getting (re)acquainted with everyone and
>getting back in touch with what is happening in this field.

We are happy to have you back!

>I have no burning questions to ask at this point but am very
>concerned about what is happening within the US and around
>the world.

Many of us here in South Africa have the same concern. But it is for us
like observing a thunderstorm, not knowing where its course will take
it. Thus, translated into English a saying from my own mother tongue
Afrikaans:- please let us hear it straight from the horse's mouth.

With care and best wishes


At de Lange <amdelange@postino.up.ac.za> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa

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