End LO30561

From: Candee Basford (candee@bright.net)
Date: 09/11/03

Replying to LO30514 --


I suppose I've been what is called a "lurker" (although I prefer the term
listener or see-er) but I really have no explanation for why i stay on
this list since most of it makes no sense to me.....

except that I am interested in this idea of collective learning. Recently
someone shared (on another list) a quote by Michael Jones who expressed it
this way - a way that does make sense to me.
> There's a kind of amplitude of human capacity that arises in the
> collective that's very difficult and may, in many cases, be impossible
> for us to discover on our own.

I hope this is organizational learning.

And because of Andrew -

Andrew - My daughter risks being marginalized in our society because she
has a disability. I tell you that only because it gives a bit of reason
for a question that I once asked of her. But it is her answer that I want
you to see.

"What can people do to help you reach your dreams?"

"You can dance."

"What do you mean? If I dance, how can that help you reach your dreams?"

"That tells me that I can dance too. I can follow the moves and steps. If
you're dancing I can feel the motions."

"Okay...I get you. If I dance and we all dance..then..."

"We dance together."


Zohar and Marshall write: " it is through such liasons or experiences that
we grow, that we realize our own further potentialities."

warm regards,

candee basford


Candee Basford <candee@bright.net>

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