Replying to LO30521 --
Dear LO members,
The following question was one that a friend of mine reported hearing from
a participant during his facilitation of bridge-building activities in
black-white relations in South Africa in the 1990s: "How can I (white)
trust you (black) after all that I have done to you?"
I would also suggest that magnanimity and the grace to forgive may not be
the strongest features of "White" cultures with a success pattern that is
based on competition and taking. Maybe we can learn a lot from other
cultures on reconciliation and forgiveness?
Best regards,
Sabine Amend
Kultur & Management - Bridging Cultures To Achieve
Tel. + 1 (720) 494 1595
>The lesson which many South Africans learned is that one cannot avoid
>blame in the initial stages. Both parties have reason to blame. However,
>both parties should also have the commitment to go beyond their blame
>and cooperate in creating a common future.
>At de Lange <>
--"Sabine Amend" <>
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