An interesting point came up the other day in discussions with some
business associates.
Are the generic components of a typical product innovation and development
process in a manufacturing firm the same as the service innovation and
development process in an organization that provides just services to its
customers (such as a bank, insurance company, school/college or government
department) or are the two processes inherently different.
I'm not looking at process innovation (how we do things at work) here,
only product/service innovation (what we produce as an end product) (ie.
the concept development stage, planning, product or service development
process, reliance on team work, ramping up to production or to service
delivery, use of designers etc.)
Which components should /are similar and which should be /are different ?
I suspect that the use of various tools and systems could be different ie.
use of CAD/CAM in maufacturing and less in services
Ideas, opinions and examples welcome.
Walter Derzko
(416) 588-1122 in Toronto
--Walter Derzko <>
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