Learning and trust LO13160

Thomas Benjamin (BENJAMIN@fac.irm.ernet.in)
Wed, 9 Apr 1997 16:38:05 +0500 EST

Replying to LO13150

At said, one of the meanings of innocent is to be ignorent of evil.
Another meaning is to be free from sin, in response to my line IMO, "One
needs to be innocent to trust". At also used the line from my
contribution- " The world teaches us not to trust. We need to unlearn
and then learn to trust".

I would like to clarify what I was trying to convey. As infants and
children we are innocent, living in a state of paradise. Soon, we
experience, because of an imperfect world, that we are not in paradise. We
lose our innocense. Consequently we tend to distrust the world, the digree
of this distrust is proportional to ones own experience of the loss of
innocense. Learning is ones own climb back to innocense, even in this
imperfect world. Wholeness I believe comes from this learning process one
goes through. Return to innocense means that one learns to trust again,
believing in the ultimate care that God provides. In the process we begin
to discover individuals, groups and systems we can trust. From this grows
the individuals responsibiltiy for healing in community. To heal is to
give- unconditional love(At's words). At this stage, I believe the
individual is working with God in partnership. The individual is now
prepared to take on the wounds in order bring healing. I think it is not
possible to trust without love. In all this the implicit assumption is
that love or trust is not a means to personal gain, but mutual gain or

If the purpose is to transfer this individual learning to provide
sponsored safety(At's words), then I find the four principles enunciated
by Malcolm and Sokoloff useful. The creative energy an Individual has
aquired should become accessable to the community.


Thomas P Benjamin
PB NO 60 Anand India 388 001


"Thomas Benjamin" <BENJAMIN@fac.irm.ernet.in>

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