Authority & Leadership LO13161 -Conf April 25-27

Marc Kessler (
Wed, 9 Apr 1997 07:26:08 -0500

I would appreciate having the following announcement posted; I think
the Conference would be of interest to members of the list.


The Midwest Center of the A.K.RI Institute Announces

The 20th Annual Cincinnati Conference on
Authority and Leadership

a 3 Day Non-Residential Conference

Friday April 25 - Sunday April 27, 1997

The Children's Home of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio

For More Information and an Application contact:

George Kraus , Ph.D.
(513) 961 - 5973
376 Probasco St. # 6
Cincinnati, OH 45220

or see the WEB site:

Marc Kessler

Slowmail: University of Vermont
Department of Psychology
Dewey Hall
Burlington,Vermont 05405-0134
PHONE (802) 656-2680
FAX (802) 656-8783


"Marc Kessler" <>

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