> So, my questions revolve around what are the
>core values of systemic training and how might someone train others to
>think and learn systemically.
>I suspect it is more than just drawing causal loop charts though I imagine
>that is a start.
>Does anyone know of resources (books, articles, people or other media) I
>should expose myself to? So, far I've turned up little.
My suggestions would be
Redesigning the Future by Russell Ackoff, (1974) John Wiley & Sons pub.
ISBN 0-471-00296-8 - This is the theory
The Knowledge Creating Company by Nonaka & Takeuchi, (1995) Oxford
University Press ISBN 0-19-509269-4 - These are some Business Models
Systemic Training Program Design by Sallie Gordon (1994) PTR Prentice
Hall, ISBN 0-13-100389-5 -- This is the Practice
Mark Fulop, MPH, CHES
San Diego, CA
--Mark Fulop <fulop@mail.sdsu.edu>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>