HSP Group, Inc., a specialist in management buy-outs and majority owners
since 1994 of CRM, a leading producer and provider of corporate training
materials, has announced that it plans further expansion into the training
and educational media industry. Robert Marshall, Vice President of HSP
Group, Inc., says that the company-- building on the foundation of CRM--
plans to acquire companies both directly through HSP and through CRM. HSP
has retained a NewYork/Los Angeles based investment banking firm, Goldmark
Advisers, Inc., to help in screening and identifying compatible
acquisition candidates. For further information contact: Peter Jordan,
CRM at 760-431-9800 or peter@crmfilms.com; Jeffrey Gold, Goldmark Advisers
at 212-779-6059 or gold1745@aol.com; or Robert Marshall, HSP at
Hawthorne Associates - Marketing and Communications for the Training Industry
--Bob Jenkins <bjenkins@hawthorne-assoc.com>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>