Systemic Training Models LO13248

eLIZabeth Reed-Torrence (
Wed, 16 Apr 1997 14:06:43 -0700

Replying to LO13228 --

I would suggest to you Bert Cunnington and David Limerick's work "Managing
the New Organization, A Blueprint for Networks and Strategic Alliances".
You then might read their article from _The Learning Organization_
"Towards an Action Learning Organization" with the additional author Ron
Passfield. It is available on the web at

. . .my questions revolve around what are the core values of systemic
training and how might someone train others to think and learn

You might also look at the University of Western Ontario, Western Business
School's Web Site on learning. It has an excellent literature
classification and review section... It will get you started..

I suspect it is more than just drawing causal loop charts though I imagine
that is a start.

"We are Learning in turbulent times!"


eLIZabeth Reed-Torrence <>

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