Teaching smart vs. not LO13578

Michael Gort (gort@ms.com)
Mon, 12 May 1997 02:28:09 -0400

Replying to LO13563 --

Walter Prevalnig wrote:

"IMO, accountability might be defined as "an individual's obligation to
learn, balanced by the organization's obligation to be a resource for its

It has been my experience that when leaders understand the ramifications
of that simple statement and work toward its operationalization, our
apparent insatiable need to "fix" people subsides and we begin to focus
upon improvement of the system for the benefit of all."
--- end of quote ----

Thank you, Walter, for reminding me that at the core, we all are
accountable to ourselves. What bothers me about accountability systems is
that blame generated after the fact will not create commitment to the plan
or the vision. Accountability may create compliance, and may even create
genuine compliance. Commitment, however, comes from each of us, is very
personal, and, in Senge's terms, is a matter of personal mastery.



"Michael Gort"<gort@ms.com>

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