Organization follows Technology? LO13617

Neil Love (
Thu, 15 May 1997 15:06:15 -0700 (PDT)

Replying to LO13599 --

>Len's research matches my experience. Teams are best in more complex
>situations, individuals best in simpler situations. In fact, it is quite
>clear that teams are counter-productive in situations that are
>well-defined. In a product development environment, for example, where
>the product is merely a refinement of an existing product, then a
>cross-functional team does not add value to the process. On the other
>hand, when the product is very new and different. then the
>cross-functional team adds a great deal of value.

In general I agree with above, but if time-to-market is a driver, even a
refined new product may justify a cross-functional core team be set up
(although not likely a full time one).


Neil Love Certified Management Consultant

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