Intro -- Claire McCarty Kilian LO13654
Fri, 16 May 1997 16:51:30 -0400 (EDT)

Dear List Readers,

I've enjoyed this list for almost a year - thank you all. I learned to
juggle after I picked up a book someone mentioned here and have recently
reconnected with an old classmate after he posted to the list! I have
posted a few times but haven't submitted an introduction because it'll
look like an advertisement. But this is what I do and who I here

I spent several years as a college professor in Ohio and Massachusetts
before returning to my homestate of Wisconsin last year with my husband (a
technical manager) and my two little boys (my learning experiments in
progress). I am now representing MR Communication Consultants (of
Toronto) in the Midwest. One reason I got involved with MRCC is because of
the introduction recently of The Team Learning Lab.

The Team Learning Lab is a new program that translates LO principles into
tools that employees can use immediately on the job. Fred Simon and Nick
Zeniuk developed a program called The Learning Lab when they were managers
of the 1995 Lincoln Continental Program at Ford Motor Co. and worked with
Senge, Deming, and others. Nick and Fred left Ford to work with other
companies interested in pursuing org'l learning. One recurring problem
was how to bring their program to large numbers of people -- not just
managers in facilitated sessions.

Arriving on the scene was MRCC, known for their team learning,
video-supported programs. In short, our team learning process allows
"learning teams" to conduct their own training, in short increments of
time, over the course of weeks, scheduled to minimize impact on work flow.
They are designed to be team-facilitated, supported by a team learning
coach. Teams not only learn the content but by learning it as a team they
strengthen the team bond and get the practice they need in reflection,
discussion, and working effectively together.

By marrying The Learning Lab with our MRCC Team Learning. process, The
Team Learning Lab is now available to larger numbers of people, in a
cost-effective manner.

The Team Learning Lab is a 16+ hour program comprised of 4 modules:

Module 1: Understanding Mental Models... focuses participants on
understanding their "mental models," and learning how to create open,
honest, and meaningful conversations through tools such as Left-Hand
Column, Ladder of Inference, and Advocacy and Inquiry Protocols. Module
2: Applying Systems Thinking... with Systems Mapping and archetypes,
people can now describe situations, have meaningful dialogue about them
and begin creative problem-solving. Module 3: Creating Shared Vision....
learn how a shared vision can help get us off the problem-solving
treadmill, how vision relates mental models and systems thinking. Module
4: Using the Tools.... integrates all the tools previously learned to
create an Alignment Matrix. This Alignment Matrix identifies specific
outcomes and daily tasks needed to be accomplished to achieve results, and
helps to align the work people do with their shared vision. Inhibitors
and enablers of these goals are addressed. Leverage points are identified
(by focusing on systemic structures). In this way, the Alignment Matix
becomes the Roadmap for Success.

I love working with this program. We have seen it be wildly successful
from the board room to (most importantly to me) the shop floor.

If any of you are attending the BEST OF TEAMS conference in Chicago in
June....look me up.



Claire McCarty Kilian, Ph.D.
MR Communication Consultants
16700 County Hwy UN
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
715-726-0561 (phone)
715-726-0563 (fax)


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