Intro -- Alexander Weber LO13841

Alexander Weber (
Wed, 04 Jun 1997 23:13:20 +0200


I've been a silent participant on this list for some weeks, and now, I
think, has come the moment to introduce myself to you.

My name is Alexander Weber and I live in Kiel, Germany. I'm a student of
psychology at the local university in the 5th year and possibly finishing
my career soon.

During my career I took the liberty to spend one year abroad and studied
the Biology of Cognition with Maturana and Mpodozis at the University of
Chile in Santiago. I spent a really fine time, both privately and
*epistemologically*. Back in Germany the Biology of Cognition remains the
main interest of mine. I got deep into the theory, I think, so now it's
time for me to look for an application in some practical cognitive domain.

So I recently have become interested in organizations and organizational
psychology. At the same time I found a hint in the
autopoiesis-mailing-list about Rick Karash's notes of the
Maturana-seminar, which linked me here. I am not very familiar with
learning-org-concepts yet, but I will get into it soon, ...with a little
help of my friends...:-)

I really got amazed when I read the posting about Fernando Flores. I've
been studying his books and I am fascinated about his ideas. As far as I
can see, his ontological approach to organizations fits very well to
Learning Organizations.

Some initial contribution to this list:

The idea of hierarchy disregards structure determinism: If you do not push
and control your subordinates they will behave in a chaotic manner. What
I like in Flores' thinking is that he does not need hierarchy to explain
organisations nor processing of information. The notion of organisations
as networks of commitments and what people do in organisations as
conversations for possibilities and conversations for actions, does not
require the control of a superior. People are autonomous, self-organized
and - responsible, if you let them.


[Host's Note: Welcome, Alex! ..Rick]

Alex WWWeber
tel/fax: +49-431/674661


Alexander Weber <>

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