My name is Abigail "Abby" Smith. I'm an Air Traffic Controller
with the Federal Aviation Administration in Miami FL. I'm also a Master's
cadidate at Nova Southeastern University's Department of Dispute
Resolution. As an employee of the FAA, I served as an internal consultant
in an organizational change effort towards improved labor/management
relations, etc. Unfortunately, as so many change efforts go, the
political climate was such and the structures such that the forces for
change were met with violent resistance and "the baby" was thrown out with
"the bathwater." Luckily, some forces for change remained!
I became intrigued by the concept of the Learning Organization in
the summer of 95 when I attended a work sponsored training called,
"Creating New Realities." This mysterious weeklong workshop caused many
sceptics to giggle and baulk at the name. As a result, many deemed the
week a "boondoggle" and disregarded it. After about the first ten or so
minutes of the workshop, I knew that these were ideas that could really
transform an organization.
My current undertaking is a thesis project aimed at creating a
work environment for the FAA that works with and for people instead of
against them. I REALLY need your help!!! I'm also looking for practical
work experience in the field of OD and consulting and would love to talk
to any of you (who are willing to converse with a chatty person) about
your careers, ideas, and job opportunities.