>I became intrigued by the concept of the Learning Organization in
>the summer of 95 when I attended a work sponsored training called,
>"Creating New Realities." This mysterious weeklong workshop caused many
>sceptics to giggle and baulk at the name. As a result, many deemed the
>week a "boondoggle" and disregarded it. After about the first ten or so
>minutes of the workshop, I knew tha t these were ideas that could really
>transform an organization.
> My current undertaking is a thesis project aimed at creating a
> work environment for the FAA that works with and for people instead of
> against them. I REALLY need your help!!! I'm also looking for
>practical work experience in the field of OD and consulting and would
>love to talk to any of you (who are willing to converse with a chatty
>person) about your careers, ideas, and job opport unities.
Hi. My name is Elke Cristina Sanz, and as Abby I just came in contact with
the term Learning Organization. I have little yet to add to this group,
but I am also interested in finding practical experience in the field of
OD and consulting, so if anyone has answers to Abby's request, please keep
it on the list so all of us that are interested in the same, can benefit
from the advice.
Thank you very much!!
Elke Cristina Sanz
--elkcsanz647@cantvnw1.cantv.net (elkcsanz647)
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>