> Thank you for a very thought-provoking post. The military is a superb
> example of taking potentially nonmotivated people and turning them into
> high performing teams.
IMHO and speaking as a former field grade officer, the U.S. military is
not a superb example of taking potentially nonmotivated people and turning
them into high performing teams. If anything the teams that are high
performing seem to be so despite the pressure of the overall system toward
conformity, mediocrity, and apathy.
While military service in times of war is full of examples of
extraordinary motivation and performance, I find little evidence of
motivation and performance in a peacetime force that is not directly
linked to one individual and a very particular set of conditions.
Moreover, there is an astounding amount of evidence that when that
individual or the conditions change, so does the motivation and the
excellent performance.
--Lon Badgett lonbadgett@aol.com
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