Cliff quoted "Doc"
>Richard C. "Doc" Holloway wrote:
> An historian and philosopher by the name of John
> Tarnas, writing in "The Passion of the Western Mind" said that western and
> eastern minds are synthesizing to develop a new outlook.
> Thanks, Rick, for making this dialogue one of the best "graduate seminars"
> I've had the pleasure to sit in on. [Host's Note: You're welcome, Cliff!]
> Cliff Hamilton <>
Just in case someone is looking for that reference, it is Richard Tarnas
not John. A very readable book. I agree also with Cliff regarding the
pleasure of sitting on this grad seminar. Thanks, Rick.
Tony Barrett
University Residences, University of Idaho
Voice: (208) 885-5848 FAX: (208) 885-4558
Email: Web Site:
--"Tony Barrett" <tonyb@RESNET.UIDAHO.EDU>
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