Needle in a CyberStack LO13901

John Albee (
Mon, 9 Jun 1997 07:09:38 -0500

Hi learning-org Listmembers,

Please let me know what you think of my info/tool pages: Needle in
a CyberStack


There are currently several interlinked pages including Business
and Career Tools, the best of curriculum, research, reference, exploring,
what's cool, fun, Cybrarian's Favorites, etc.

I've tried to keep it simple, powerful, quick-loading (Table
Format - no graphics), and useful - with links to all the best Search and
Info Tools in the world. Comments and suggestions are much appreciated.
If you know of a link that should be there please tell me!. If you like
it please pass it on to your students, colleagues,listservs,newsgroups and
webpages you participate in - if you feel it is appropriate. Thanks!


John Albee
Davenport Community Schools
Needle in a CyberStack - the InfoFinder

736 Westerfield Road
Davenport, Iowa 52806 319-386-2171

We are all Works In Progress...


"John Albee" <>

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