When is LO inappropriate? LO13916

Bill Hendry (sfidba@scfn.thpl.lib.fl.us)
Tue, 10 Jun 1997 13:52:45 -0400 (EDT)

Replying to LO13904 --

Major Kim Wilson makes some great points re the military and learning
organizations. The video Lessons from the New Workplace (CRM films) shows
a military on what looks to be the leading edge. And as a taxpayer, it is
nice to see innovation and creativity in an environment where your mental
models don't look for it!

The other point she makes is not to generalize based on a sample size of
one. Thanks Major!


Bill Hendry, Training and OD Specialist, Hillsborough County, FL work email: sfidba@scfn.thpl.lib.fl.us | home bhendry@earthlink.net (813) 276-2727 work phone, (813) 276-2197 fax

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>From "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand

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