I am enjoying reading the contributions to the Learning-Org mailing list;
thank you all for the interesting inputs and debates.
Before posing my own question, a brief introductio;: I was a scientist in
upper atmosphere physics, but now work as a consultant with a private
sector firm, Business and Economic Research Ltd, in Wellington, New
Zealand. My main area of activity is innovation, technology and systems
Now to my question, if anyone can help me. We have been doing work on
industry clusters in a number of regions in New Zealand and I am convinced
that the issue of firms working together depends on both internal and
external factors; in essence, organisational learning within the firms
themselves, and also community learning. Afterall, the firms and the
people who work in them are part of a "local" community. Such communities
impact on the way we learn, what we do and how we behave in different
situations; there are social, as well as economic dimensions to community
Does anyone know of any work done or being done on the impact of, and the
relationship between, the development of industry clusters and community
learning. I would welcome any feedback.
Kind regards to all.
George Stuart
Principal: Innovation & Strategic Systems
Business and Economic Research Ltd
New Zealand
--George Stuart <george.stuart@berl.co.nz>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>