Motorola as an l-o example? LO13920
Tue, 10 Jun 1997 14:43:00 -0400

Replying to LO13862 --

To add to Vana's suggestion on additional sources of
information on organisations transforming into LO's, an
article on GE and Jack Welch was published in Training &
Development Magazine, June 1993, titled 'Walking the Talk at
GE' which is an excellent summary of Jack Welch's approach
to spreading a new way of thinking and acting to all levels
of the corporation.

In the article another reference was mentioned, the result
of in depth interviews with Jack Welch, titled 'Control Your
Destiny of Someone Else Will'. It is billed as an inside
story of GE and the authors are Noel Tichy and Stratford
Sherman (sorry, no ISBN given).



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