Creativity Consortium Mtg LO13997 -June 25 Toronto

Walter Derzko (
Wed, 18 Jun 1997 17:46:56 -0400

Subject: Creativity Consortium Meeting June 25-Toronto

June Meeting Notice
Creativity Consortium, the International Club for Lateral Thinkers
Wednesday, June 25, 1997
The Design Exchange (DX), 234 Bay St., Toronto, Ontario
(Reduced parking in the Ernst and Young Tower (T-D Center), enter off
Wellington St

Registration 6:45 pm
Lecture & Hands-on thinking workshop 7:00 -9:30 pm

Advance Tickets (prior to June 20)
$20 members; $30 guests; $15 Full time students (with ID)
/Members-Bring a new guest-get $ 5 off !

At The Door
$30 for all tickets at the door / Order today, seating limited
Reservations and cancellations will be accepted up to Friday, June 20, 1997
If you reserve and do not attend, you will be invoiced

For virtual membership information see our Web page

To register call Walter Derzko (416) 588-1122 or 216-2139 at the DX

Guest Lateral Thinker & Speaker:
Dr Norman Ball,
Centre for Society, Technology and Values, Univ.of Waterloo

Topic: Understanding the Impact of Technological Change Before It
Happens: Are we using the Right Tools ? Can We Do A Better Job ?

is the title of Dr. Norman Ball's address to the Creativity Consortium at
our final meeting before the summer break.

Dr. Norman R. Ball is Director, Center for Society, Technology and Values
in the Department of Sysetms Design Engineering, University of Waterloo.

In 1989, after 15 yeras in Ottawa with the Federal Government, he joined
the University of Waterloo to work specifically in the area of the mutual
interaction between technology and society.From 1989 to 1992 he
was Northern Telecom Professor of Engineering Impact on Society.
He is also an adjunct Professor of Engineering at the University of Alberta
and columnist for the PEGG, the official journal of the Association of
Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta.
Dr. Ball is not an engineer, but in 1987 he was awarded both the Engineering
Centennial Silver Medal and Honourary Membership in the Engineering Institute
of Canada for his contribututions to promoting public understanding of
Canadian engineering. He is a prolific author who is completing his
seventh book. His most recent book, Ferranti-Packard: Pioneers in
Canadian Electrical Manufacturing (Montreal: McGill-Queen's Univerity
Press, 1994) has been widely praised for breaking stereotypes regarding
subsidiary-parent company relations. Dr. Ball will look at some of the
reasons why when experts try to predict the impact of technological
change they have such a dismal track record. He will also make
suggestions on how we might do the job a little better.

For information contact Walter Derzko at (416) 588-1122 or at the DX at
(416) 216-2139


Walter Derzko <>

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