Intro -- Sandra Manne LO14017

Manne, Sandra (
Fri, 20 Jun 1997 13:45:36 -0400


I just wanted to briefly introduce myself to the Organizational Learning
List. My name is Sandy Manne and I am a training and documentation manager
for the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), located in
McLean, VA, USA. We provide training and documentation support for a
number of business redesign initiatives.

Our specialities include:

instructor-led delivery using instructor guides and participant guides we
CBT development
on-line help development
embedded support such as wizards and cue cards
embedded support such a pop-up help browsers for WWW applications

I am also a student... I will soon receive my Master of Science degree in
Organizational Learning via George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.

Needless to say, I am most interested in this List for a few reasons:

1. I would love to integrate the List with my coursework.
2. As a performance development manager, one of my main goals is to engage
learners such that they WANT to become self-directed learners.
3. I would like to enter the consulting arena in the Spring of 1998, and
any input I could receive to facilitate my transfer from a cemented worker
to a contract worker would be most appreciated.
4. I am fascinated with the role of the knowledge worker/engineer. I would
like to explore that further... possibly even integrate it within my

Sandra A Manne

-- (Manne, Sandra)

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