De-Outsourcing LO14019

Yogesh Malhotra (
Fri, 20 Jun 1997 13:08:27 -0400

Replying to LO13996 --

Replying to LO13996 --

Outsourcing doesn't seem to be letting down, however, the reasons to
outsource seem to be getting redefined. The shift appears to be from
cost-cutting emphasis to more long-term, strategic and relationship
oriented outsourcing contracts.

Given the ongoing explosion in the consulting industry, the demand for
outsourced expertise seems to be thriving. However, there are some 'bumps
in the road' as evident from recent stories making headlines in the media.
See for instance, yesterday's Wall Street Journal headlines on p. B1
(Marketplace) titled: "E-Mail Trail Could Haunt Consultant in Court" about
one of the biggest players in the consulting market.

More articles and stories on changing trends in Outsourcing are available


Yogesh Malhotra
'The Ultimate Business, Management & Technology Resource'
URL: [Knowledge Management]


Yogesh Malhotra <>

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