En route to another state to visit her terminally ill mother,
Suzie Smith stopped along the roadside to call and check the mother's
condition. She discovered she had forgotten her phone credit card and
asked the operator to charge it to her home number. The operator told her
that someone had to approve the charge at her house--but there was no one
home. And the story goes downhill from here. In fact, this story is so
distressing it won the Telephone "Doctor"(R)'s annual $500 award as the
worst customer service story of the year. For the rest of the story see
<http://www.teldoc.com/press/default.htm> or fax a request to
314-291-3710. The Telephone "Doctor" (R), Nancy Friedman, is a nationally
known speaker and President of the Telephone "Doctor" (R) training
company. She is an expert on customer service and telephone skills.
--Bob Jenkins <bjenkins@hawthorne-assoc.com>
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