>In my personal study and work, I have felt for a long time, that one of
>the "needs" missing in the chart is "communication." Communication seems
>to play a much greater part in self-actualized being than Maslow seemed
>to grasp.
It's an interesting interpretation (to me) because I read into Maslow, a
constant unspoken theme of " . . . integrated with the world." I don't see
it as on the same "axis" as the hierarchy, but on an independent "modes of
being" kind of axis. (That's weak, sorry.)
I would say "connection" or "integration" vs. "communication". The
integration is much more than the binary exchange of ideas. The individual
exists with "the other", and the two interplay in many ways, on many
levels. The distinction (individual vs. the other) is both true and not
true. There are lots of "others":
- Individual in the world
- Individual part of the world
- Individual & another individual
- Individual & Group
- Individual, part of group, relating to Individual
- etc.
>From that frame "communication" is part of being integrated. I may be
projecting, but I find a great deal of implicit integration in a great
many people's work. Fuller wrote "Humans in Universe" but integration is a
constant theme. Maslow. Piaget. Jung (in translation only), Joseph
Campbell, Even Ayn Rand, who gets dinged for treating the individual as
totally separate (I've read some of her more thoughtful stuff, and have a
somewhat different take on her work than many people because of this
Perhaps my systems background lets me easily adopt a pose of "implicit
inclusion". In my profession, we constantly create boundaries, and discuss
in detail one side while holding the other side "in mind, but not spoken."
(Anyone remembers where that quote came from, I would be grateful. I know
it isn't original with me.)
So, I read into Maslow, a description of "internal" processes that exist
in the context of a human integrated with the world. I also read into
Maslow that a "self actualized" human is more integrated (whatever that
means) since humans exist in the world, not discrete from it.
I also sense that this isn't the whole story.
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tel;work: (800) 477-2686 (Pager)
tel;fax: (716) 442-2083
tel;home: (716) 442-2499
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--James Bullock <jbullock@pipeline.com>
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