Punished by Rewards LO14108

James Bullock (jbullock@pipeline.com)
Thu, 26 Jun 1997 17:32:31 -0400

Replying to LO14070

There is a potential companion book that might be of interest. "Why We Do
What We Do" by Ed Deci of the University of Rochester (with a co-author I
forget at the moment). It's in print, available from amazon.com.

Prof. Deci and Richard Ryan (also U of R) have done a great deal of basic
research into intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation, over the last 20 years
or so. They've used the tools of social psychology to demonstrate that
there are different motiviational mechanisms at work, with different
effects. The book above is a popular treatment of this work (including an
extenisve bibliography). In his intro, Deci describes how he started out
as a behaviorist, but that model didn't fit either the data or his own
sense of how things worked. (I paraphrase.)

For those of you looking for more to read in your copious free time ...


" All of the greatest and most important problems of life are fundamentally insoluble . . . They can never be solved, but only outgrown."

-Carl Jung

begin: vcard fn: James Bullock n: Bullock;James adr: 620 Park Avenue, Suite 171;;;Rochester;NY;14607-2994;USA email;internet: jbullock@pipeline.com tel;work: (800) 477-2686 (Pager) tel;fax: (716) 442-2083 tel;home: (716) 442-2499 x-mozilla-cpt: ;0 x-mozilla-html: TRUE end: vcard

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