>In my personal study and work, I have felt for a long time, that one of
>the "needs" missing in the chart is "communication." Communication seems
>to play a much greater part in self-actualized being than Maslow seemed to
The hierarchy does seem to miss something... I think communication would
be more of a method to move through the hierarchy... so instead of an
hierarchy, it would be a network of states - similar to the buddhist
Inchen Sanzen (3000 realm's of life in a mo ment, where each person
through their life exists in any of 3000 states, able to move toward
buddha-hood by conscious effort (or unconscious), or to move down into the
pits of "rage"... but the interesting thing is that you aren't "stuck" in
one state - many people at many times in their lives may be in the state
of buddhahood, or learning, or humanity or even to be animals (watch a
little daytime TV for that one!).
The Point of my little mental wandering is this: How do I move from
Physical needs to higher needs, and those needs on up to self
actualization. What are the conduits of positive motion?
As far as the hierarchy applies to organizations, try to think of an
orginazations aggregate actions as those of an individual... how, when
basic monetary concerns are met, does the org. act?? How does the
organization the refine itself?? Efficiency is not the only factor,
there is communication - internal- like a person's "self dialog".. There
are probably more, but it is a bit early in the morning here - and I just
can't seem to ramble like I used to.
--Michael Johnson <mjohnson@deltabtg.com>
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