Maslow LO14122

Richard C. Holloway (
Sat, 28 Jun 1997 10:02:18 -0700

Replying to LO14107 --

Michael Johnson wrote:

> How do I move from
> Physical needs to higher needs, and those needs on up to self
> actualization. What are the conduits of positive motion?

this has been an intriguing dialog concerning Maslow's hierarchy, the
thought that "communication" is missing, and Michael's wonderful synthesis
of that idea with Buddhist thought. It just simply occurred to me that,
until Michael's contribution, I'd been looking at human and organizational
"being" in a linear sense. Indeed, it is not--as an individual, I am
functioning and feeling and acting in a multitude of ways with a multitude
of actors within a short period of time. Organizationally, this truth is
compounded by the total individuals AND their interactions. Despite our
need to linearly compose ourselves (saves on mental wear and tear, among
other things) we can be at multiple levels of needs throughout a brief
experience of time. Now, I'm sure that someone wrote about this
phenomenon already--(nothing is original under the sun?)--please be good
enough to share the source, if you know it.

Richard C. "Doc" Holloway, Thresholds--Human Development and Networking
P.O. Box 2361, Olympia, WA 98507 
Phone: (360) 786-0925 Fax: (360) 709-4361 e-mail:

"Every act of entering into any place, every coming out from any corner has about it a bit of the dramatic; at times it has a great deal--hence the rites of the doorway and the lintel. The Romans believed in special gods who presided at that condensation of enigmatic destiny which is the act of going out or of coming in."

-Jose Ortega y Gasset

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