Intro -- Scott Ott LO14147

Scott Ott (
Tue, 01 Jul 1997 13:05:28 -0500

I read "The Fifth Discipline" by Peter Senge about a month ago. Frankly,
several more readings will be required to break through the crusty old
paradigm and enable me to envision organizations which actually function
in ways which would make Senge proud.
I am a compulsive reader and an obsessive learner who wonders why the
library isn't open late on Friday and Saturday nights. The school district
for which I work is progressive compared with others in the region, and
yet I can't help but wonder why school systems in general aren't on the
crest this learning organization wave.
My big question: Can large organizations really change, or does their
future look more like Jesus' comment that a kernel of wheat has to fall to
the ground and die to produce more wheat?

Grace & Peace,
Scott Ott, Public Relations Specialist
The North Kansas City School District
"Do not be conformed to this world
but be transformed by
the renewing of your mind."


Scott Ott <>

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