Intro -- Scott Ott LO14189

Eugene Taurman (
Mon, 07 Jul 1997 07:42:30

Replying to LO14147 --

Scott Ott, Public Relations Specialist asked

> My big question: Can large organizations really change, or does their
>future look more like Jesus' comment that a kernel of wheat has to fall to
>the ground and die to produce more wheat?

Yes big organizations really can change. Change in large part depends on
the leadership,. IF the leader knows where he or she is going and follows
the steps used by the great leaders the organization will change.

Not all of the people will change but the organization will change. and
some will people will be lost to that organization.

Ford has changed Motorola has changed Milwaukee Electric tool has changed.
The list is long with companies that have changed and are changing.

Eugene Taurman

People will ultimately perform in accord with the way they are measured
and rewarded.
Control is preconditioning

William L. Ferrara
Penn State University


Eugene Taurman <>

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