I have been reading along for a couple of months now, and am very much
interested in the topics being discussed. I work in a non-profit, and
have been developing an outcomes based funding process for health and
human service programs for several years. This information has led me to
look at learning organization concepts, as we begin to discover program
improvement is the key to the change in client based outcomes. We are
also trying to develop a plan as to how to use this knowledge in a way to
inform the community about the learning which is occurring as a result of
gathering outcome information.
I am particularly interested in systems thinking concepts, and how to
educate/inform individuals who are dealing with chaos and complexity in
their work lives on the need to look at the change from a systems view.
A topic related to this is how to prepare for this environment and develop
the individual capacity needed to succeed. We are thinking of developing
a asset map of employees skills and interests, which could be used as a
tool in determining assignment to tasks, as well as guiding the individual
learning plan. Has anyone done this? Are there tools out there to assist
with this? What type of criteria are used to determine a devlopment
interest from current skill, and how do you "test" the skill level? For
example, I may be "trained" to do public speaking, but am not skilled at
it, would the organization want me to be their spokesperson?
I am also interested as to whether anyone is aware of an organization
which has developed outcome based job descriptions, and how this fits into
a competency/performance based compensation system.
Does anyone have a direction to point me in? Perhaps this is an area
which has been covered. Thank you for your assistance.
Cheryl Endres
Team Leader - Performance Measurement
Heart of West Michigan United Way
--Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>