Intro -- Susan Richardson LO14208

SRichardson (
Thu, 3 Jul 1997 06:29:57 -0400


I work for the Center for Workforce Development (CWD), which is part
of Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) I have posted one message
previously requesting a facilitator for an upcoming meeting in Peru.
We did fill the position, and the response from you was wonderful.

EDC is a nonprofit organization founded in 1955 and is dedicated to
improving the quality of life through education. CWD is one of 10
centers at EDC and we conduct worldwide research and and direct
projects designed to improve workforce education and training methods,
thereby increasing career opportunities and raising standards of
living for all workers and their families.

I am working on a project called the Teaching Firm which is a large
research study into exactly how learning occurs at work, more
specifically how INFORMAL learning (outside of traditional classroom
settings) happens. My work involves working with our partners in this
research to develop a plan to take advantage of the findings from this
in-depth, exciting research!

I will follow this with an invitation to participate in a list-serve
that I am moderating. Please join in our conversation!

Susan Richardson (SRichardson)

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