On Tue, 8 Jul 1997, joyce@thinksmart.com wrote:
> Peter Drucker says the only things that matter in
> business today are Marketing and Innovation.
> Tom Peters says "Innovate or Die!"
Mathew Keirnan say "Get Innovative or Die"...book title
> Does that mean we're entering the "Innovation Age?"
> If so, what are the skills we need to thrive
> in the Innovation Age? Are they different than those
> required in the "Information Age?"
Yes, most likely.....I don't have my notes in front of me but here are
some of the ideas from my workshop
Walter Derzko
The New Dynamics of the Organization (c) by Walter Derzko
Info age Innovation Age
========= ===============
1.Information access Pattern Recognition
2.Information Quality Information overload
(getting it right) (getting no more then you need)
3.Conformity to current Agility/ Perpetual Change Management
4.Success based on past Success based ability to adapt
5.Planning & control Planning and flexible implementation
6.What "information" fits What doesn't fit...Contradition/Anomaly
perterbation spotting
7.Strive for Best way Optimum way for current system dynamics
8.copy someones best practices Trailblaze
9.Annual System Auditing Real time feedback
10.Solution searching Model building to match current environment
11.Problem-solving Exporing Viable system models
12.Causality Systems thinking
13.Information gathering Insight sharing/wisdom building
14.Information as input Information as insight
15.Information horded by top Insight shared
16. Pay for content Pay for applications
(books etc) (internet almost "free")
17.Data as key focus Concepts that the information represents key
18.Linear, logical thinking Conceptual thinking dominant
19.Top-down multilevel corp control The 2-level organization
20.Empire building Compression
21.Strategic planning Strategic anticipation
22.Doing Consequences
(from my Workshop: Managing in the Age of Innovation)
Walter Derzko
Idea Lab at the Design Exchange, Toronto
--Walter Derzko <wd@itrc.on.ca>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>