Punished by Rewards LO14275

Thu, 10 Jul 1997 08:56:30 -0400 (EDT)

Replying to LO14256 --

In a message dated 7/9/97 11:09:49 PM, Morty@decisionmaker.com wrote:

>Actually, I have found a very linear cause and effect relaitonship between
>the elimination of beliefs and changes in behavior. To the extent there
>arespecific beliefs that produce specific behavior (e.g., the belief "If I
>make a mistake I'll get into trouble and my livelihoodwill be threatened"
>will lead to a behavior characterized by avoidance of any risks) --
>eliminating the beliefs opens up new possibilities for behavior that
>literally did not exist before. I have repeatedly seen a dramatic change
>in behavior that had existed for decades, in the space of a week.


It would be helpful if you were to offer some examples of this as opposed
to continue to talk in generalities. Can you tell us some specifics of
your work?


Margaret McIntyre



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