Punished by Rewards LO14256

decisionmaker.com (Morty@decisionmaker.com)
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 14:59:05 -0700

Replying to LO14186 --

> From: jon <jon_jenkins_imaginal_training@pi.net>
> Dear Morty

> I don't think there is a linear cause and effect relationship
> but this model seems to reflect my experience of the way behaviour
> changes. I know there are other models and in some circumstances these
> models are useful.

Actually, I have found a very linear cause and effect relaitonship between
the elimination of beliefs and changes in behavior. To the extent there
arespecific beliefs that produce specific behavior (e.g., the belief "If I
make a mistake I'll get into trouble and my livelihoodwill be threatened"
will lead to a behavior characterized by avoidance of any risks) --
eliminating the beliefs opens up new possibilities for behavior that
literally did not exist before. I have repeatedly seen a dramatic change
in behavior that had existed for decades, in the space of a week.

Morty Lefkoe
For information about the Decision Maker(R) Institute and
my book, Re-Create Your Life: Transforming Yourself and
Your World, visit http://decisionmaker.com


"decisionmaker.com" <Morty@decisionmaker.com>

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