Punished by Rewards LO14186

jon (jon_jenkins_imaginal_training@pi.net)
Mon, 7 Jul 97 07:17:03 PDT

Replying to LO14166 --

Dear Morty

I agree motivation is internal.

I also think that employees and managers are part of a system and that
system influences their internal state. Events happen and people choose
how to respond to these events. These responses create other events.

In "The Image" Kenneth Boulding suggest that their are 4 types of change
to changes in ones operating image (internal responses) to messages
(events). A message can result in nothing changing in the image, the
image can be added to, the level of doubt or certitude can change or the
image can be radically altered. A change in image results in a change in
behaviour. I don't think there is a linear cause and effect relationship
but this model seems to reflect my experience of the way behaviour
changes. I know there are other models and in some circumstances these
models are useful.

Jon C. Jenkins
Imaginal Training
Groningen, The Netherlands

E-mail: imaginal@pop.pi.net (Jon C. Jenkins)


jon <jon_jenkins_imaginal_training@pi.net>

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