> From: William J. Hobler, Jr <bhobler@worldnet.att.net>
> Morty, you did propose something that is out of my reality when you
> posted,
> >I'd like to propose a heretical notion: that there is no such thing as
> >external motivation!!
> >Threats of punishment and promises of rewards can, at times, have a
> >limited and short term effect on behavior -- but in the long run, our
> >behavior is a function of our beliefs. That's why most forms of
> >psychotherapy are relatively ineffective. It also explains why most
> >training designed to change behavior also is relatively ineffective.
> In many cases it is just the fact that our behavior does not conform to
> our beliefs that psychotherapy is so widely sought. Because I wish the
> best schools for my child (so that he or she can be freer) I must
> continue
> in this job I despise, but it pays well.
> I do not accept the argument that people simply have to have the courage
> to change to a job they want or would like. Our society is not that
> accommodating. Moreover, to leave a condition in which life is barely
> tolerable for one of complete uncertainty is a terribly hard decision for
> many people.
That's the point: It's not a question of "courgae." And I'm not saying
it's good or bad to stay in a job that is "barely tolerably." I am saying
those who stay and those who leave do so as a result of their beliefs. I
agree that the conditions of society are certainly relevant, but the
beliefs "I'll never get what I want, life is difficult, I'm powerless,
etc." will lead one to stay. Beliefs such as "I can get whatever I work
for, life is open to me having whatever I want, etc." will lead one to
leave and try to make a living doing someone one loves.
Neither the beliefs nor the behavior are inherently good or bad. Beliefs
that lead to behavior you deem undesirable are undesirable or bad -- but
only because you judge the behavior that derives from them "bad."
Morty Lefkoe
For information about the Decision Maker(R) Institute and
my book, Re-Create Your Life: Transforming Yourself and
Your World, visit http://decisionmaker.com
--"decisionmaker.com" <Morty@decisionmaker.com>
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