Graham brought up an important point:
>To be sure, it depends upon their beliefs, and if they have been brought
>up expecting to be bribed to do everything they do, it may not work very
>well for them. But for people who are open to enjoy what they do, if it
>is at all possible for them to do so, then there is much that could be
Do you think that "in transition" that someone will have to help people
discover "why they work and what they need?" As you stated, these people
have been conditioned to respond to external stimuli. What I have found
is that most people haven't really undertaken the adventure into
themselves and could not really answer the root need or predisposition
they seek to satisfy through work.
I haven't finished reading the book, but does Kohn indicate anything along
these lines? I think sometimes we forget that people need time and "help"
to recondition their beliefs and then do the internal work to discover
what really moves them?
--"Mike Jay" <>
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