I do not understand the relevance of the debate about motivation being
internal or external. I do not see the relevant to a team leader or
manager. What mangers need to know is how to obtain the behavior in the
best interest of the organization. People will always behave in their own
best interest. The will intuitively seek the behavior that best fills
their own needs. That is they will minimize grief and maximize reward.
Almost always. One exception when they have decided to seek revenge, i.e.
putting coke bottles in the door of new cars.
With that in mind it becomes management's job to be certain of the
behavior required and help people understand how they can meet their own
needs while behaving in the best interest of the organization. Align the
interest of the person and the organization.
People all want or need something different to maximize reward and
minimize grief. Some want to take it easy, some want to plan dinner, some
want to plan for retirement , others want enough cash to take a week
vacation, some want time to be with their kids, some want promotions, some
want recognition, some want to be left alone. Are these motivations?
These needs can all be met in the process of carrying out the needs of the
organization. It is managements job to help people understand how to best
meet personal needs while meeting the needs of the organization.
Can I be motivated. i do not know. But I do know my behavior can be
changed according to how I understand the behavior required to meet my
Just my 2 cents worth.
At 10:46 AM 7/8/97 +0100, you wrote:
>"External - Internal" is just not a helpful katergory for motivation etc.
>as I stated before. The same is true for beliefs. They belong to the
>"front" between inside and outside. ..
--Eugene Taurman <ilx@execpc.com>
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