Punished by Rewards LO14318

Gray Southon (gsouthon@ozemail.com.au)
Sun, 13 Jul 1997 21:14:33 +1000 (EST)

Replying to LO14304 --


You place an enormous responsibility on managers - I don't think they have
a very good record at honoring it.

What you say represents the dilmma of hierarchy - it is very neat - and we
want organisations to be neat - but in reality they are not. Much modenr
management literature is recognising the limitaitons of managment, and the
need to understand and exploit individual initiative and competence.

I think that is a responsibility that cannot rest entirely with managment.

Gray Southon

At 03:42 PM 10/7/97, Eugene Taurman wrote:

>I do not understand the relevance of the debate about motivation being
>internal or external. I do not see the relevant to a team leader or
>manager. What mangers need to know is how to obtain the behavior in the
>best interest of the organization. People will always behave in their own
>best interest. The will intuitively seek the behavior that best fills
>their own needs. That is they will minimize grief and maximize reward.
>Almost always. One exception when they have decided to seek revenge, i.e.
>putting coke bottles in the door of new cars.
>With that in mind it becomes management's job to be certain of the
>behavior required and help people understand how they can meet their own
>needs while behaving in the best interest of the organization. Align the
>interest of the person and the organization.
>People all want or need something different to maximize reward and
>minimize grief. Some want to take it easy, some want to plan dinner, some
>want to plan for retirement , others want enough cash to take a week
>vacation, some want time to be with their kids, some want promotions, some
>want recognition, some want to be left alone. Are these motivations?
>These needs can all be met in the process of carrying out the needs of the
>organization. It is managements job to help people understand how to best
>meet personal needs while meeting the needs of the organization.
>Can I be motivated. i do not know. But I do know my behavior can be
>changed according to how I understand the behavior required to meet my

Gray Southon
Consultant in Health Management Research and Analysis
15 Parthenia St., Caringbah, NSW 2229, Australia
Ph/Fax +61 2 9524 7822, mobile +61 414 295 328
e-mail gsouthon@ozemail.com.au
Web Page: http://www.ozemail.com.au/~gsouthon/


Gray Southon <gsouthon@ozemail.com.au>

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