Are We Determined to Get Better? LO14307 -Joe's Jottings #74
Fri, 11 Jul 97 10:28:10 -0700

Note: The archive of Jottings has long been available on an internal HP Web
site thanks to the excellent efforts of Phyllis Bourne. Now, however, my good
friend and colleague Dan Keller, has made the Jottings and many of the comments
to them available also on a public site at

[Host's Note: ...and, current numbers of Joe's Jottings are on the
learning-org web site at <> ...Rick]

There were two thought jogging articles in _The New York Times
Magazine_ on June 15, 1997.

The first is "A Bug by Any Other Name" by technology journalist
James Gleick. In it, Gleick slams "Microspeak," the process of
painting rosy word pictures that Microsoft has raised to a high
art. In Microspeak, says Gleick, "bugs" are really "issues."
"This could be a known issue or an intermittent issue. Then
again, it could be a design side effect, undocumented behavior,
or, perhaps, a technical glitch."

Ho hum. This is old news. Who of us who has written more than
ten lines of code haven't defined the unintended behavior of our
brainchild as an "unplanned feature." Gleick wants the
Microsoft people (and by implication, the rest of us) to simply
confess. He wants us to say, "We messed up. Here's what the
problem is. We're sorry. We're going to try to fix it."

Gleick compares Microspeak to governmental "spin." But he holds
us computer-folks to a higher standard. "Perhaps," he says,
"Microspeak seems all the more garish because this great
institution operates not in the sphere of politics or war, where
we've grown accustomed to 'pacification' and 'collateral damage'
and 'plausible deniability,' but in the technical realm, where
words usually mean what they say."

Maybe that goes to show what I've long believed, that
information systems are as much political artifacts as they are

Gleick's article is light. He makes his point with a poke of
irony. The second article is very different, very serious, in
fact, heartbreaking. Written by Lisa Belkin, the article's
title asks, "How Can We Save the Next Victim?" It's about
medical mistakes, "bugs" that aren't annoying or funny or
expensive, but fatal.

It is the story of Jose Eric Martinez who died on August 2, 1996
in Hermann Hospital in Houston because of a series of mistakes
that resulted in the two-month-old infant getting a fatal
overdose of medication. Documentation of the events is
chilling, because the death was caused by intelligent people,
carefully doing their jobs, within a system that failed. And,
while the article revolves around the Martinez tragedy, Belkin
brings in vignettes of other equally horrible incidents.

"For decades," writes Belkin, "the American Medical
Association's approach to error has been to describe it as an
aberration in a system that is basically safe." Both the AMA
and the malpractice lawyers focused on _who_ made the error, not
how to prevent it in the future.

About two years ago, however, several organizations, sponsored
by the AMA and others, have been set up to focus on prevention.
"...All these separate efforts," Belkin says, "add up to a
growing recognition that the health of health care may lie in
its ability to _admit_ and prevent its mistakes (my emphasis)."

Belkin quotes University of Texas human factors expert Robert L.
Helmreich: "Admitting to imperfection is a first step for
medicine, because many in the profession seem to believe they
_can_ be perfect (again, my emphasis)."

"The central problem with the belief in perfection," Belkin
continues, "is that hospital systems are designed around it.
They rely on concentration - the nurse, for instance, will
connect the nutrition bag to the nutrition line and not to the
dialysis line. But things should be designed, human factors
experts would argue, so that the connective ports on the
nutrition bag fits _only_ on the connective port on the
nutrition line (again, my emphasis)."

A major problem with all this, of course, is the tort system.
As Belkin points out, "... the very methods used to root out
error - admitting it, measuring it, discussing it - have the
side effect of providing evidence of error, evidence that
plaintiffs' lawyers are eager to see."

In the world where errors are fatal, in medicine, in airplanes,
for example, there are no easy answers. We expect both the
process and the people to be perfect, and we try to accomplish
this by using the legal system (which is definitely not held to
the same expectation of perfection) as a blunt weapon to create
publicity, to inflict retribution, and to instill fear. It's
not a tool that creates a virtuous cycle toward improvement.

But, we in the Information Technology world may yet have a chance
to do things better. In general, information systems are made up
of hardware, software, processes, and people. We are already
intolerant of hardware problems. Remember Intel's problem with
the Pentium's arithmetic? Intel tried to "spin" it away in
classic Microspeak fashion but was smashed by the righteous

As Gleick points out, we hold no such high expectations about
software packages themselves. But we still expect the overall
system to produce business results. Since we tolerate
"variations" in software performance, we drive people and
processes to compensate for the software flaws.

And we aggravate the situation by changing things so that,
often, we get only a single chance to learn something before
it's replaced by the next version. Rather than asking people to
focus on learning and continuous improvement, we ask them
instead to become experts at managing change. Managing
continuous change may resemble continuous improvement, but it's
not nearly as productive in terms of business results.

Notice again that we must measure our success in terms of
business _results_, not necessarily in terms of the processes
that produce those results. Jeffery Voas is co-founder and
chief technology officer of Reliable Software Technologies. He
wrote an article in the July/August 1997 issue of _IEEE
Software_ entitled, "Can Clean Pipes Produce Dirty Water." His
answer: "Of course they can. Clean pipes can break, they can
be attached to the wrong source, or the original water source
may infuse dirty water into the pipeline." In his analogy, of
course, pipelines are the software process and the water is the
resulting code.

Voas also asks "the complementary question: 'Can dirty pipes
produce clean water?' Once again, the answer is yes, but this
result is much less likely."

Voas suggests testing procedures at key places in the process
pipeline. In order to capture the dynamic behavior of software
driven processes, he suggests using "fault injection"
methodologies that allow us to see how our systems handle at
least some anomalous situations.

Various forms of testing are important to do, and certainly
cleaning known dirt from our pipelines has to help. But none of
these solutions can be applied until we take a few steps.

Both Gleick and Belkin tell us what the first step has to be:
admit that we have a problem. Most of us already do that, but
we stop there. The issues are so pervasive and
institutionalized that we don't really expect things to change.
Our pain becomes fodder for Dilbert and Cathy cartoons.

So, we have to take the next step: decide to get better, as
measured by business results, from metrics specified by business
managers. Then and only then can we turn inward and use our
technology for sustaining those results and for leading our
business colleagues toward the results we feel are possible.

What are the linkages between our key processes and business
results? What are the trends? What are the problems that we
are seeing? Are we publicly discussing the problems in clear
terms, not Microspeak, without worrying about blame? And, most
important, rather than just living with the situations, are we
determined to get better?

Best regards,



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