Schools as Learning Orgs:Independence LO14308

prkosuth (
Fri, 11 Jul 97 22:06:11 PDT

Replying to LO14296 --

Ed finished some excellent stuff with......

> PS: It is rather encouraging that we can discuss education during the

As my daughter is finishing up a math/sci camp run thru the university for
elem teachers, my pet peave about the "agrarian calendar" comes forward.
There are about 300 kids at this camp, about forty teachers (getting
credit and a small stipend I think) and a fair amount of parent
volunteers. All the kids I have contact with love the sessions (3 hours
per day, break with a popsicle, teacher - stu ratio of about 1 to 8.) So
why do we continue with this 9 month calendar and continue with the same
old same old ? My school is a 9 month plan as well -- the assumption being
that we need the summers to "recharge" and that there's little time for
planning and reflection during the regular year. I suppose that public
schools have similar assumptions.

It doesn't make any sense to me. When I suggest year round schooling I get
looks like I've just been let out of the local asylum.

Brehm Preparatory School
Carbondale IL


"prkosuth" <>

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