Punished by Rewards - Chapter 1 LO14362

Roxanne Abbas (rabbas@comp-web.com)
Tue, 15 Jul 1997 10:29:30

This posting begins the planned discussion of Alife Kohns book *Punished
by Rewards*

Chapter 1:

1. What are the likely implications of Kohns background on his
perspective on the topic of rewards?

2. Is pop-behaviorialism as widely accepted in our schools, businesses
and child-rearing methods as it ever was? What evidence have you seen of
any trends?

3. Is the United States different from other countries in its faith in
reward systems?

4. Are there groups or sub-sets of the population that have resisted the
temptation or recovered from dependency on rewards?


Roxanne Abbas

Roxanne Abbas Abbas Compensation Strategies rabbas@comp-web.com http://www.comp-web.com

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