Punished by Rewards Discussion Guidelines LO14363

Roxanne Abbas (rabbas@comp-web.com)
Tue, 15 Jul 1997 10:28:01

Guidelines for Book Discussion of Punished by Rewards - Alfie Kohn

We will officially begin our discussion of Alfie Kohns book, *Punished by
Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, As, Praise, and
Other Bribes* today. My plan is to follow Kohns outline of the material
and discuss the book chapter by chapter. I will introduce new chapters as
new threads even when threads are still going on from previous chapters
and label each new thread: Punished by Rewards - Chapter ___. If you
have process suggestions either before, during or after the discussion,
please send them directly to me, rather than posting them to the list, and
I will incorporate and/or summarize these for future discussions.

Let's also learn from the guidelines that Sherri Malouf developed for our
earlier dialogue experiment:

-speak from the heart, from the gut, more so than from the head
-speak to the center, rather than to any one person
-speak when moved and when ready
-pause...allow others words to land before speaking
-brevity...but not at the expense of spontaneity.

I'm excited about this opportunity for us to explore this topic that has
such powerful implications for our organizations and our lives.

Roxanne Abbas
Abbas Compensation Strategies


Roxanne Abbas <rabbas@comp-web.com>

Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>