Ian Saunders wrote:
> Vana,
> Here we discussed with the client (a person in a similar role to yourself)
> that they had to engage the 'oldies' Because if they did not get them on
> board then they probably had the capability to sabotage the efforts of the
> 'newies'
> I would recommend that you invest a lot of time and effort with the oldies
> to help them to 'come on board'
I'm wondering if anyone on this list has had any luck using diversity in
the workplace training techniques to help move an LO into position.
I know that when we speak of "diversity" we usually refer to the
stereotypical racial / gender issues. For me, however, diversity means
just that. Different people have differnt ways of thinking. They've had
different experiences and different perspectives. This doesn't mean
someone is right and the other is wrong. It means they are different.
Being different doesn't have to be threatening. In fact, it can be really
exciting if seen as an opportunity to explore new things.
Any ideas?
Vana Prewitt
--Vana Prewitt <vprewitt@mail.rdu.bellsouth.net>
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