Migration to a LO LO14399

Vana Prewitt (vprewitt@mail.rdu.bellsouth.net)
Thu, 17 Jul 1997 21:11:24 -0700

Replying to LO14376 --

Debbie Broome wrote:

> You know, from experience, I also think the middle level of management has
> a great deal of impact as well. I think they are also the most threatened
> by downsizings and change.

Debbie is absolutely right in my experience. The greatest fear and
resistence to new management models has been middle management, primarily
of the old guard who are less sure of their positions. The newer hires
are, for the most part, on board with the initiatives, and assume they
will roll with the punches. In a company of 2500 people, there is a
little room to move around without too much fear.

Vana Prewitt


Vana Prewitt <vprewitt@mail.rdu.bellsouth.net>

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